Still Alive
Just not much to put here, check the RC Aircraft section for the latest updates.
Mari0 1.6 Rail Gun 1.2
I always felt Mario was missing something. And that something was...being able to fire off aluminum bolts at close to light speed. This is the first iteration of my mod; I have some other ideas I may or may not do as my time is limited. Haven't tested this on multiplayer, or every single cheat mode, or even very heavily at all, so caveat emptor.
Use the...Read More
Mari0 Bullet-Time Remap Mod
Here is a mod I made for Mari0 1.6. For some reason, bullet-time isn't allowed to be mapped to anything but the mousewheel. With this mod you can now map joystick buttons or keyboard keys. It works by going full bullet-time when a key is down, and stops when the key is released. Grab it here. You will need to install the latest unstable build of LOVE f...
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