RC Aircraft

Mini Solius RC Conversion

Planning and Execution

Cutout areas for servos and wires using a hot knife and a wire heated from a propane torch. One hole from the cockpit goes to the top for the motor wires, the other hole goes to the bottom of the plane which goes into a channel for the servo wires from the elevator and rudder. Cut out the ailerons, elevator and rudder and put them back on with hinge tape.

Foam cutouts with hot wire and hot knife

Mounted motor using modeling foam. (See the Menards Jet Conversion for details.) Had to cut and resolder the wires to the motor since the hole is only big enough for the wires, not the connector.

Modeling foam motor mount

Glued servos in place, glued on control horns, attached control rods. Servos are ultra-small, 1.5 gram linear servos.

Servos mounted with control horns and rods

Cut out some area of the cockpit on the left for the receiver, some area on the right for the ESC, and some area in the nose for the weight and the battery. Cut out some areas of the canopy as well to help wires and such fit, but still leaving it so that it can just press fit in place.

Cockpit area

I'm usually not a fan of stickers, but the ones included are actually pretty slick. It does look better with them.

Finished glider

Last thing to do was take it for the maiden flight. The servos are a bit finicky, being so small they will easily get caught up, so you have to make sure there is no glue or anything jamming them up. The control rods are so short that I couldn't lock the nut in place, instead I just hot glued it so that the control horn it was attached to could move freely.

Parts List