Ham General License Practice Quiz

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G0A10: What is one thing that can be done if evaluation shows that a neighbor might receive more than the allowable limit of RF exposure from the main lobe of a directional antenna?

Change from horizontal polarization to vertical polarization
Change from horizontal polarization to circular polarization
Use an antenna with a higher front-to-back ratio
Take precautions to ensure that the antenna cannot be pointed in their direction

G0B15: Which of the following is true of an emergency generator installation?

The generator should be located in a well ventilated area
The generator should be insulated from ground
Fuel should be stored near the generator for rapid refueling in case of an emergency
All of these choices are correct

G1A06: Which of the following frequencies is in the 12 meter band?

3.940 MHz
12.940 MHz
17.940 MHz
24.940 MHz

G1B07: What are the restrictions on the use of abbreviations or procedural signals in the Amateur Service?

Only "Q" codes are permitted
They may be used if they do not obscure the meaning of a message
They are not permitted
Only "10 codes" are permitted

G1C04: Which of the following is a limitation on transmitter power on the 14 MHz band?

Only the minimum power necessary to carry out the desired communications should be used
Power must be limited to 200 watts when transmitting between 14.100 MHz and 14.150 MHz
Power should be limited as necessary to avoid interference to another radio service on the frequency
Effective radiated power cannot exceed 3000 watts

G1D08: Which of the following criteria must be met for a non-U.S. citizen to be an accredited Volunteer Examiner?

The person must be a resident of the U.S. for a minimum of 5 years
The person must hold an FCC granted Amateur Radio license of General Class or above
The person's home citizenship must be in the ITU 2 region
None of these choices is correct; non-U.S. citizens cannot be volunteer examiners

G1E05: What types of messages for a third party in another country may be transmitted by an amateur station?

Any message, as long as the amateur operator is not paid
Only messages for other licensed amateurs
Only messages relating to Amateur Radio or remarks of a personal character, or messages relating to emergencies or disaster relief
Any messages, as long as the text of the message is recorded in the station log

G2A07: Which of the following statements is true of the single sideband (SSB) voice mode?

Only one sideband and the carrier are transmitted; the other sideband is suppressed
Only one sideband is transmitted; the other sideband and carrier are suppressed
SSB voice transmissions have higher average power than any other mode
SSB is the only mode that is authorized on the 160, 75 and 40 meter amateur bands

G2B11: What frequency should be used to send a distress call?

Whatever frequency has the best chance of communicating the distress message
Only frequencies authorized for RACES or ARES stations
Only frequencies that are within your operating privileges
Only frequencies used by police, fire or emergency medical services

G2C06: What does the term 'zero beat' mean in CW operation?

Matching the speed of the transmitting station
Operating split to avoid interference on frequency
Sending without error
Matching your transmit frequency to the frequency of a received signal.

G2D08: Why do many amateurs keep a log even though the FCC doesn't require it?

The ITU requires a log of all international contacts
The ITU requires a log of all international third party traffic
The log provides evidence of operation needed to renew a license without retest
To help with a reply if the FCC requests information

G2E11: What does the abbreviation "MFSK" stand for?

Manual Frequency Shift Keying
Multi (or Multiple) Frequency Shift Keying
Manual Frequency Sideband Keying
Multi (or Multiple) Frequency Sideband Keying

G3A11: Approximately how long is the typical sunspot cycle?

8 minutes
40 hours
28 days
11 years

G3B01: How might a sky-wave signal sound if it arrives at your receiver by both short path and long path propagation?

Periodic fading approximately every 10 seconds
Signal strength increased by 3 dB
The signal might be cancelled causing severe attenuation
A well-defined echo might be heard

G3C08: Why are HF scatter signals in the skip zone usually weak?

Only a small part of the signal energy is scattered into the skip zone
Signals are scattered from the magnetosphere which is not a good reflector
Propagation is through ground waves which absorb most of the signal energy
Propagations is through ducts in F region which absorb most of the energy

G4A03: What is normally meant by operating a transceiver in "split" mode?

The radio is operating at half power
The transceiver is operating from an external power source
The transceiver is set to different transmit and receive frequencies
The transmitter is emitting a SSB signal, as opposed to DSB operation

G4B02: Which of the following is an advantage of an oscilloscope versus a digital voltmeter?

An oscilloscope uses less power
Complex impedances can be easily measured
Input impedance is much lower
Complex waveforms can be measured

G4C01: Which of the following might be useful in reducing RF interference to audio-frequency devices?

Bypass inductor
Bypass capacitor
Forward-biased diode
Reverse-biased diode

G4D08: What frequency range is occupied by a 3 kHz LSB signal when the displayed carrier frequency is set to 7.178 MHz?

7.178 to 7.181 MHz
7.178 to 7.184 MHz
7.175 to 7.178 MHz
7.1765 to 7.1795 MHz

G4E03: Which of the following direct, fused power connections would be the best for a 100-watt HF mobile installation?

To the battery using heavy gauge wire
To the alternator or generator using heavy gauge wire
To the battery using resistor wire
To the alternator or generator using resistor wire

G5A11: Which of the following describes one method of impedance matching between two AC circuits?

Insert an LC network between the two circuits
Reduce the power output of the first circuit
Increase the power output of the first circuit
Insert a circulator between the two circuits

G5B13: What is the output PEP of an unmodulated carrier if an average reading wattmeter connected to the transmitter output indicates 1060 watts?

530 watts
1060 watts
1500 watts
2120 watts

G5C11: What is the inductance of a 20 millihenry inductor in series with a 50 millihenry inductor?

.07 millihenrys
14.3 millihenrys
70 millihenrys
1000 millihenrys

G6A11: Why would it be important to minimize the mutual inductance between two inductors?

To increase the energy transfer between circuits
To reduce unwanted coupling between circuits
To reduce conducted emissions
To increase the self-resonant frequency of the inductors

G6B01: What is the peak-inverse-voltage rating of a rectifier?

The maximum voltage the rectifier will handle in the conducting direction
1.4 times the AC frequency
The maximum voltage the rectifier will handle in the non-conducting direction
2.8 times the AC frequency

G6C02: What is meant by the term MMIC?

Multi Megabyte Integrated Circuit
Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
Military-specification Manufactured Integrated Circuit
Mode Modulated Integrated Circuit

G7A08: Which of the following is an advantage of a switch-mode power supply as compared to a linear power supply?

Faster switching time makes higher output voltage possible
Fewer circuit components are required
High frequency operation allows the use of smaller components
All of these choices are correct

G7B07: What are the basic components of virtually all sine wave oscillators?

An amplifier and a divider
A frequency multiplier and a mixer
A circulator and a filter operating in a feed-forward loop
A filter and an amplifier operating in a feedback loop

G7C08: What type of circuit is used in many FM receivers to convert signals coming from the IF amplifier to audio?

Product detector
Phase inverter

G8A09: What control is typically adjusted for proper ALC setting on an amateur single sideband transceiver?

The RF clipping level
Transmit audio or microphone gain
Antenna inductance or capacitance
Attenuator level

G8B05: Why isn't frequency modulated (FM) phone used below 29.5 MHz?

The transmitter efficiency for this mode is low
Harmonics could not be attenuated to practical levels
The wide bandwidth is prohibited by FCC rules
The frequency stability would not be adequate

G9A02: What are the typical characteristic impedances of coaxial cables used for antenna feed lines at amateur stations?

25 and 30 ohms
50 and 75 ohms
80 and 100 ohms
500 and 750 ohms

G9B05: How does antenna height affect the horizontal (azimuthal) radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole HF antenna?

If the antenna is too high, the pattern becomes unpredictable
Antenna height has no effect on the pattern
If the antenna is less than 1/2 wavelength high, the azimuthal pattern is almost omnidirectional
If the antenna is less than 1/2 wavelength high, radiation off the ends of the wire is eliminated

G9C20: How does the gain of two 3-element horizontally polarized Yagi antennas spaced vertically 1/2 wavelength apart typically compare to the gain of a single 3-element Yagi?

Approximately 1.5 dB higher
Approximately 3 dB higher
Approximately 6 dB higher
Approximately 9 dB higher

G9D06: Which of the following is an advantage of a log periodic antenna?

Wide bandwidth
Higher gain per element than a Yagi antenna
Harmonic suppression
Polarization diversity